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Marshall McLuhan

·Medium is anything message

·Orwellian, big brother Is watching



·We choose to be under big brother

·Amusing ourselves to death

·Willingly surrender


·Structure and development of internet and World Wide Web

·Xanadu- literary texts linked together

·CERN project

·Internet is a communication tool


·3 World and 4 threads

·world 1- material world: mountains, rivers, non human creations

·world 2- consciousness, ideas, inside brains

·world 3- infrastructures- human created: schools, clothes, language HUMAN CREATED IDEAS AND ITEMS

·theorize what does it mean to have cyberspace- what does it do?

·Cyberspace doesn’t replace world 3, just displaces items from world 3

·4 Threads

o heroic narrative overcoming

o mythology

o math

o can we create utopia


·Everything is moving so fast causing instantaneityà trauma

·Actions and relationships that move and form so quickly

·Thinking about how the speed is shifting time, space, and humanity


·Convergence culture- coming together of different forms of media

·Everything is interacting and bringing media across platforms

Collective knowledge

·Group of people pooling knowledge, greater than individual knowledge

·Lead us to radical democracy, more radical than what we know now

·Has to be able to accessed to answer a question at some point in time


·Knowledge and understanding of what is happening


·Being able to read technology and find your way around it

o Interactivity

o Speed

o Reach

o Anonymity

·Being aware of the compression of time and space

McAllsiter Game Complex

·School shootings

·Cause violence?

·Truth is in the dialectic of the two

·Neither either or, but they are both right in their own sense

·Need to be studying computer games

o Have as much cultural force as literature and film

·When we’re gaming, we’re learning something

·All these games teach us something

·Push medium- sends a message if you want it or not

·Pull medium- draws you in

·Have to play them, watch others, and analyze

o Killer

o Achiever

o Explorer

o Cheater

·How does player change artifact?


·Interactive of RL and virtual world

Rape on Cyberspace

·Mr. Bungle- gross things to write as soc. experiment

·No idea it causes such trauma

·physical, but also mental

·Mutliple User Domain MUD

·Multiple Object MOO


·translocal whiteness

·Jessie Daniels

·cloaked websites

·not an issue of recruitment, knowledge has become reingraned

·no gatekeepers for that knowledge


·vandalism and defacement

·deep knowledge of technology and how it works


·calling out traditions of gender hierarchy

·feminism isn’t focus on women- gendered ideals and norms are recreated and displaced into cyberspace

·we’re already cyborgs

·deal with reality, embrace and acknowledge

·continue to be oppressed by regimes

·use to protect our humanity

·ironic and blasphemous does not mean innocent


·misinformation can be presented as valid

Cyberspace and reality are interconnected

RL appears as fragments of artifacts in VL

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